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Field Trips and Courses - 1999

Field Trips for the 4th quarter of 1999 Western Cape

The weekday trips will comprise either short walks or roadside spot-checks, meeting at 07h00 outside the Kirstenbosch bottom gate and returning well after 18h00 depending on participant's needs. For more information and to facilitate booking, please contact Val Charlton at (021) 7611425 or fax (021) 7976903 or e-mail

19 October 1999 Tuesday Sawedge Peak to photograph Sawedge Sugarbush - Protea holosericea with Colin Paterson-Jones
22 October 1999 Friday Ladismith – to collect DNA material of Protea subvestita
27 October 1999 Wednesday Moorreesberg - looking for Se incrassata at Goedgevonded and on to Piketberg.
29 October 1999 Friday Elgin Flower Show
3-13 November 1999 Wednesday Zimbabwe Tour:
3-4: Blyde R and Tzaneen
6-7: Harare Atlassing Course
9-11: Chimanimani and Nyanga
13: Bulawayo
7 November 1999 Sunday Beginner’s walk. Waterfall side of Silvermine. Meet at carpark at 14h00
24 November 1999 Wednesday Darling – Hopefield to find the edges of the biogeographical regions and fill a gap.
27-28 November 1999 Sat-Sun Protea Identification Course. Kirstenbosch Research Centre. R100.00c including kit. Discounts available for those who have already attended courses (bring your old course notes).
9 December 1999 Thursday Annual Cherry Picking and Karoopoort trip: Baviaansberg high altitude Protea revoluta and Smooth-Leaf Sugarbush - Protea laevis problems
15 November 1999 Wednesday Eastern Riviersonderend to look at McGregor Pincushion - Leucospermum harpagonatum, and Breede River Pincushion - Leucospermum utriculosum

Future Plans:

Early February 2000: Wakkerstroom to Lebombo in Mpumalanga and Swaziland.

Field Trips for the 4th quarter of 1999 Gauteng Programme

Regional Co-ordinator: Reuben Heydenrych from Mountain Club on (012) 542-2330 or (012) 348-3078 ah or Fax (012) 542-1707 or e-mail

16-17 October 1999 or 5-6 November 1999 Sat-Sun The management of the Waterberg Conservancy, have requested us to survey their properties for proteas. The Waterberg is 2 hours drive N of Pretoria. Accommodation costs will be minimal (but bring your tents), so the major cost will be transport. Any 4x4s will be especially welcome
15 November 1999 (19h30) Monday Illustrated Talk -  Tony Rebelo and Gail Reeves, on their return from atlassing in Zimbabwe, will give a slide show about Proteas and Atlassing on 15 November at the club evening of the Magaliesberg Section of the Mountain Club. Venue: CSIR Club Hall at the CSIR Conference Centre in Pretoria. No cost involved

Field Trips 4th quarter of 1999 Swaziland

The Protea Atlas Project outings will be incorporated into the Swaziland Tree Atlas outings. The dates are set for the second weekend of each month. The Tree Atlas will be using eighth-degree squares and will run for 3-4 years.

Regional Co-ordinator: Linda Dobson at Environmental Consultancy Services (+268) 44789 or Fax +268 42438 or e-mail

9-10 October 1999 Sat-Sun Leopard Rock and surrounding forests - Mbabane
13-14 November 1999 Sat-Sun Sand River Dam
>11-12 December 1999 Sat-Sun Malolotja - Mgwisa Forest

Eastern Cape: For details of outings and more contact Libby McGill ( (041) 522 186.

Natal Lowlands: For details of outings and more contact Jean Senogles ( (031) 865 240.

Natal Northern Drakensberg: For details of outings and more contact Hannie Low ( (03431) 250 721.

Natal Kokstad: For details of outings and more contact Sue Rivett ( (037) 727 3502.

Southern Cape: For details of outings and more contact Dave Jones ( (044) 343 1407.

Field Trips for the 3rd quarter of 1999 Western Cape

The weekday trips will comprise either short walks or roadside spot-checks, meeting at 07h00 (note the early winter time) outside the Kirstenbosch bottom gate and returning well after 18h00 depending on participant's needs. For more information and to facilitate booking, please contact Val Charlton at (021) 7611425 or fax (021) 7976903 or e-mail

11 July 1999 Sunday Pringle Bay walk with Cory van der Laan (021 –855 1386). Beginners welcome!
21 July 1999 Wednesday Bottlary Hills – investigating a range extension to Ld daphnoides and the scenery.
24-25 July 1999 Sat / Sun Bonteberg at Vaalkloof Mountains, incl. Karoopoort and eastwards. Looking for Ld touw and Ld cras.
29 July 1999 Thursday Sir Lowry’s Pass filling in the gaps on the west side.
7-9 August 1999 Sat / Sun / Mon 7th - Up the Langeberg by tractor (walk down for fainthearted) all-day walk along Vensterbank to Naudesberg
8th - Waboomberg
9th - Keeromsberg/Saw-edge Peak. DNA: Pr holo & Pr rupi – easy access to Langeberg alpine rares.
27 August 1999 Thursday Piketberg and Hopefield Wild Flower Shows: identifying specimens and atlassing nearby.
16-31 August Monday Eastern Cape Road Show: (16) Somerset East, (17-19) Drakensberg Escarpment to Quachas Neck, Kokstad, (20-22) Umtamvuna NR: Identification Course (Sat 21 - R50.00c), (23-29) Mkambati, Port St Johns, Dwessa, Quora, (31 – return). Contact Val for details.
2 September 1999 Thursday Clanwilliam Wild Flower Show
3 September 1999 Friday Caledon Wild Flower Show
11-12 September 1999 Sat / Sun Suidkuil at a Barn in the Waboomberge south of Touwsrivier. Filling in gaps in the western Little Karoo
17 September 1999 Friday Darling & Mamre Wild Flower Shows.
23-26 September 1999 Thu - Sun Annual Get-together 1999 at Groot Winterhoek Wilderness Area.
29 September 1999 Wednesday Riviersonderend south of McGregor – looking for range extensions to Ld burchelli, Ld nervosum, Ls harpagonatum, Se stellare, Se williamsii, Sp argentea and other Riviersonderend specials.

Future Plans:

November 1999: Chimanimani and Nyanga with a return detour via the Northern Province "Garden Route."

Early February 2000: Wakkerstroom to Lebombo in Mpumalanga and Swaziland.

Field Trips for the 3rd quarter of 1999 Gauteng Programme

Regional Co-ordinator: Reuben Heydenrych from Mountain Club on 012-5296017 (or 012-3483078 ah) Fax 012-5296905 or e-mail

6-9 August 1999 Sat - Mon Wolkberg Wilderness Area to find Broadleaf Beechwood - Faurea rochetiana, Ls saxosum and Transvaal Sugarbush - Protea rubropilosa and a mystery dwarf protea. See below Gauteng Get Together for more details.

Gauteng Get Together

The Mountain Club hut at the Wolkberg Wilderness Area in the Northern Province has been booked for the 6-9 August 1999. The 9th is a public holiday, National Women's Day. You are welcome to make this an extended long weekend by taking off the Friday, or you can come only for the Saturday to the Monday.

Wolkberg is about 3½ to 4 hours drive from Pretoria. The Hut can take up to 20 people so its no problem bringing the rest of the family or children along. You will need to bring matresses and cooking gear with you. If getting cold at that time of the year is a concern, I can assure you that a large fire place keeps the hut warm.

For those of you who haven't had the fortune to visit Wolkberg yet, it is a magnificant mountainous Wilderness Area on the old "Transvaal" escarpment. It is a pristine area of grassland and evergreen indigenous forests, and is one of the prime water catchment areas on the escarpment.

August will be a perfect time to see the Broadleaf Beechwood - Faurea rochetiana in bloom. This incidently is the only winter flowering species of the Protea family in the summer rainfall region. Additionally, there is the opportunity to see a host of other species, such as the rare Terblans Beechwood - Faurea macnaughtonii. There are also species such as Transvaal Sugarbush - Protea rubropilosa, Common Sugarbush - Protea caffra caffra, Silver Sugarbush - Protea roupelliae and some interesting dwarf proteas such as Dwarf Grassland Sugarbush - Protea simplex.

On a previous trip to the Wolkberg a sample of an as yet unidentified dwarf Protea was collected. This site will be revisited so that material may be collected for identification purposes.

See you at Wolkberg.

A trip to the Waterberg is in the process of being planned.

Please contact Reuben Heydenrych for more details (Contact details above).

Field Trips 3rd quarter of 1999 Swaziland

The Protea Atlas Project outings will be incorporated into the Swaziland Tree Atlas outings. The dates are set for the second weekend of each month. The Tree Atlas will be using eighth-degree squares and will run for 3-4 years.

Regional Co-ordinator: Linda Dobson at Environmental Consultancy Services (+268) 44789 or Fax +268 42438 or e-mail

10-11 July 1999 Sat / Sun Mnyame Valley – Oribi Ranch (Lubombos)
7-8 August 1999 Sat / Sun Mahamba Gorge
11-12 September 1999 Sat / Sun Sibebe

Field Trips for the 2nd quarter of 1999 (Western Cape)

The weekday trips will comprise either short walks or roadside spot-checks, meeting at 07h00 (note the early winter time) outside the Kirstenbosch bottom gate and returning after 18h00 depending on participant's needs. For more information and to facilitate booking, please contact Val at (021) 7611425 or fax (021) 7976903 or e-mail

8 April 1999 Thursday Kleinrivier Mountains, popping in to see Clandestine Spiderhead -  Se nova.
14 April 1999 Wednesday Groenberg and north Wellington.  Looking at isolates in Wamaakersvlei
17-18 April August Sat - Sun Course on Protea identification at Helderberg Nature Reserve. Numbers limited. Book now (see below).
21 April 1999 Wednesday Cape Point. Visiting the reserve to fill in gaps and checking queries. Se decu, Ld flor, Ld maco and more!
24-27 April Sat - Tue Baviaansberg. Roadside and climbing weekend, in the KoueBokkeveld, looking for Pr sscl, Pr pend, and others, but mainly filling in major gaps in our atlassing coverage.
6 May 1999 Thursday Sandveld – concentrating on the area twixt Citrusdal and Cederberg west of the N7. Pr inop and Ld brunb. A long day – back after 20h00.
12 May 1999 Wednesday Villiersdorp - Worcester S of Brandvlei Dam.
15-16 May 1999 Sat - Sun Banghoek in the Piketberg, climbing the peaks and valleys and meeting the residents. Please book early.
20 May 1999 Thursday Agulhas: visiting the rare species in the Elim-Heuningberg region – Bashful Sugarbush - Protea pudens, Ld sgrm, Elim Conebush - Leucadendron elimense elimense.
3 June 1999 Thursday Robertson area – looking at McGregor Pincushion - Leucospermum harpagonatum, and looking for Robertson Vexator - Vexatorella latebrosa and following up some of Ruth Smart’s leads in the area.
5-6 June 1999 Sat - Sun 4X4 trail on Keeromsberg above the Hex River and Koo Valleys. Please book early. There will be a fee of R20.00 per person plus a camping fee - details on request.
9 June 1999 Wednesday Piketberg – looking for Ls prof and Ld disc on the southern Piketberg
16 June 1999 Wednesday Greyton to Riversdale – the southern foothills of the Riviersonderend Mountains.

Field Trips in the Pipeline

7-9 August 1999 Fri/Sat/Sun Atlassing in the Langeberg and Waboomsberg at Koo.  Restricted to atlassers with 200 or more SRS - all welcome. Tony's 40th birthday bash.
17-31 August Tue-Tue Atlassing and recruiting, up Eastern Cape Escarpment passes, Weekend at Umtamvuna (21-22), down Wild Coast. Join us! Contact Val for details.

Field Trips 2nd quarter of 1999 (Gauteng)

Contact persons: Michelle from WESSA on ((011) 486 3294/5 or Fax (011) 4863369

Reuben Heydenrych from Mountain Club on ((012) 529 6017 or (012) 348 3078 (ah) or Fax (012) 5296905 or e-mail

24-27 April 1999 Sat - Tue Lajuma (Soutpansberg). Please contact Reuben.
6-9 August Fri - Mon Wolkberg. Please contact Reuben.

Field Trips 2nd quarter of 1999 (Swaziland)

The Protea Atlas Project outings will be incorporated into the Swaziland Tree Atlas outings. The dates are set for the second weekend of each month. The Tree Atlas will be using eighth-degree squares and will run for 3-4 years.

Regional Co-ordinator: Linda Dobson at Environmental Consultancy Services ((+268) 44789 or Fax +268 42438 or e-mail

10-11 April 1999 Sat - Sun Simunye/Mbuluzi Reserves
8-9 May 1999 Sat - Sun Hlatikulu
12-13 June 1999 Sat - Sun Sondeza Range (Gibb's Bus)

Eastern Cape: For details of outings and more contact Libby McGill ( (041) 522186.

Natal Lowlands: For details of outings and more contact Jean Senogles ( (031) 865 240.

Natal Northern Drakensberg: For details of outings and more contact Hannie Low ((03431) 250721.

Southern Cape: For details of outings and more contact Dave Jones ( 044 3431407


presents a

** Protea Identification Course **

Presenter: Dr Tony Rebelo, NBI

Lectures: Will take place in the Education Centre at the Helderberg Nature Reserve.

Fieldwork: Will take place in the Helderberg Nature Reserve. There will be no entrance fee.


Saturday 17 APRIL 1999

09h00 - 11h00 Lecture: Introduction to The Protea Family and Tools for Identification

11h00 - 11h15 TEA

11h15 - 12h30 Lecture: The Sugarbushes / Protea

12h30 - 13h30 LUNCH

13h30 - 16h00 Fieldwork: Proteas

Sunday 18 APRIL 1999

09h00 - 11h00 Lecture: The Conebushes / Leucadendron Genus

11h00 - 11h15 TEA

11h15 - 12h30 Lecture: The Pincushions / Leucospermum and their Allies

12h30 - 13h30 LUNCH

13h30 - 16h00 Fieldwork: Leucadendrons & Leucospermums

The cost of the course is R85.00, payable on Registration [from 08h30]. For those not yet in possession of an Atlassing Kit [ manual and field components] the total cost will be R100.00. Booking is essential - Please phone 7611425.

Field Trips for the 1st quarter of 1999 (Western Cape)

For more information, to facilitate booking and to find out about additional trips, please contact Val at ((021) 761 1425.

10 January 1999 Sunday Ross Suter is clearing Hakeas in Du Toit’s Kloof on easy slopes: ((021) 4478036 or e-mail Ross at
27 January 1999 Wednesday Bainskloof to atlas the historical pass and explore the plantations on the east side. Leucadendron daphnoides and Graceful Spiderhead - Serruria gracilis.
25 February 1999 Thursday Du Toitskloof, exploring the area east of the old tunnel. Looking for more Villiersdorp Ridgecone Conebush - Leucadendron comomosum homaeophyllum and Blackrim Sugarbush - Protea acuminata
4 March 1999 Thursday Tulbagh Valley, concentration on the old Roodesand Pass, specifically looking for Protea mucronifolia and Protea scabra
7 March 1999 Sunday Helderberg Rally: By request we hope to establish an Atlassing group in the Somerset West/Elgin Valley The Friends of Helderberg Nature Reserve and Cory van der Laan will lead an Atlassing and Protea ID walk at 14h00-16h00.
10 March 1999 Wednesday Villiersdorp Robertson area, filling gaps south and north of the Breede River.
17 March 1999 Wednesday Porterville. Visiting Heuningberg and other possible sites for Protea mucronifolia.
20-21 March 1999 Sat-Sun The traditional Botanical Society Annual Plant Sale at Kirstenbosch will be replaced with a Garden Fair, covering all aspects of gardening. We will be manning the Protea Stand and welcome volunteers willing to stand a shift. Kits, books, clothing and hats will be on sale. Tony will present a talk (11h00, Saturday, Stone Cottage) and a walk (gardens, top gate, 10h00, Sunday). No charge if you have an Atlas Kit.
27 March 1999 Saturday West Coast Walk - Darling. Cory van der Laan and Helene Preston from the Darling Wildflower Society. Contact Helene at ((02241) 2422 for details.
17-18 April 1999 Sat-Sun Course on Protea Identification to be held at Helderberg. Cost R85.00 and R15.00 for kit. Book now!

Field Trips 1st quarter of 1999 (Eastern Cape)

For details of outings and more contact Libby McGill ((041) 522186

Field Trips 1st quarter of 1999 (Gauteng)

Contact persons: Michelle from WESSA on ((011) 486 3294/5 or Fax (011) 4863369

Reuben Heydenrych from Mountain Club on ((012) 529 6017 or (012) 348 3078 (ah) or Fax (012) 5296905 or e-mail

10 January 1999 Sunday Ross Suter is clearing Hakeas in Du Toit’s Kloof on easy slopes: ((021) 4478036 or e-mail Ross at
16-17 January 1999 Sat - Sun Grootkloof (Magaliesberg). Please contact Reuben.
30-31 January 1999 Sat - Sun Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve. This has been organized together with the reserve staff and promises to be a valuable learning opportunity. Camping facilities are arranged. Please contact Michelle
13-14 March 1999 Sat - Sun Rustenberg Nature Reserve (provisional). Please contact Michelle.
2-4 April 1999 Fri - Sun Soutpansberg. Please contact Reuben.
2-4 April 1999 Fri - Sun Wolkberg. Please contact Reuben.

Field Trips 1st quarter of 1999 (Swaziland)

The Protea Atlas Project outings will be incorporated into the Swaziland Tree Atlas outings. The dates are set for the second weekend of each month. The Tree Atlas will be using eighth-degree squares and will run for 3-4 years.

Regional Co-ordinator: Linda Dobson at Environmental Consultancy Services ((+268) 44789 or Fax +268 42438 or e-mail

9-10 January 1999 Sat-Sun Ngome Forest - Mdimbas
13-14 February 1999 Sat-Sun Jilobi Forest
13-14 March 1999 Sat-Sun Barberton/Bulembu area

Field Trips 1st quarter of 1999 (Kwa-Zulu Natal)

Please book through the Protea Atlas Office or for late enquiries: Barry Busby at  ((031) 833235 or e-mail

The Kwa-Zulu Natal Interim distribution map is out (5/2/1999).  If you have atlassed in the area, your copy is in the mail Copies can be bought at R5.00c plus postage.

Some Highlights of Kwa-Zulu Natal data
We have 886 SRS from 43 atlassers amounting to 1386 records of  proteas.
The most active atlassers are Nicholas Cole 193 SRS and Barry Busby 108.
The commonest protea in KwaZulu Natal is Pr caffra, followed by Pr roupelliae.
Two species have not yet been atlassed in Natal: Pr parvula and Leucospermum gerrardii
We will be visiting Natal in February to enlist support and increase our database.

9-21 February 1999 Tuesday KwaZulu-Natal Road Show: KwaZulu-Natal is one of our really under-atlassed areas, with very little data coming in on a regular basis. Perhaps the magnificence of the Berg overshadows the proteas growing there!
9 February 1999 Tuesday Cape  Town to Harrismith. Overnight at Backpackers Lodge, Harrismith
10 February 1999 Wednesday Early start to Durban. Tony working in Natal Herbarium. Val meeting Wessa, Botsoc and other interested people.

Afternoon Atlassing Walk in Kloof Gorge to see the Beechwoods, Dwarf Savanna Sugarbush - Protea welwitschii, Silver Sugarbush - Protea roupelliae, Common Sugarbush - Protea caffra. All welcome. Contact Barry for details.

19h30 Evening - Talk / Slide show to M.C.S.A, Berea Rovers Club. All welcome. Please confirm should you wish to attend.

11-12 February 1999 Thu-Fri Tony working at UNP Herbarium. Sleep Umgeni Valley.
12 February 1999 Friday 09h00 Presentation to KZNNCS Research Officers, Pietermaritzburg,

Afternoon Course to Garden Castle Rangers All welcome to join in

13-14 February 1999 Sat-Sun Overnight hike with MCSA KZN section to Wilson’s Cave. Meet at Underberg Inn 09h00. Overnight at the cave. All welcome. Early booking please. Sunday night sleep Royal Natal
15 February 1999 Monday Early start in Royal Natal to see Protea nubigena. Sleep Royal Natal.
16 February 1999 Tuesday Slow day through to Newcastle

Evening Talk to AMAJUBA section of MCSA, Newcastle. All welcome.

17 February 1999 Wednesday Atlassing around Vryheid area with KZNNCS. Through to Itala.
18-19 February 1999 Thu-Fri 19th Itala Nature Reserve and surrounds. Day walks.
19 February 1999 Friday Lunch time SWOT and Planning Workshop for Summer Rainfall Region
20 February 1999 Saturday Weekend Course, including Itala Rangers. Early booking please.
21 February 1999 Sunday Leave for Cape Town

Have a look at the Field Trips for 1998 to see where the Protea Atlas Project visited last year.

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