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Interim Distribution Maps - Swaziland Edition 1

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May 1999

To date some 452 Sight Record Sheets (SRS) have been sent in by 24 atlassers for Swaziland and adjoining areas, amounting to 796 records of proteas. (followed by the number of SRS submitted for the entire area depicted on the map overleaf):

SRS have been submitted by these Atlassers.

Some 13 species of protea have been recorded from Swaziland. Only 1 alien is atlassed from the region: Hakea salicifolia (2 records), but Grevillea robusta probably occurs in the region as well. Please keep your eyes open for these invaders. Early detection means easy control!

Without doubt you know of areas where Proteas occur which are not shown on the maps. If you do, then you are aware of information that will help us to conserve our flora. Please join us, get your kits and send in the data. Every little item is useful and will be used. Nothing will be discarded. Your dots on the map are our key to knowledge and the conservation of our flora.

If you are uncertain about how to atlas, write to us and get a kit. A key to the Swaziland proteas can be found in this IDM. If you wish to venture further afield, then please obtain our pocket guide to the "Proteas of the Summer-rainfall Region". If the bug really bites, then SASOL Proteas is your best field guide.

How to use these Maps

These maps tell you where proteas have been recorded. If you are looking for a holiday venue, then perhaps you could visit those areas least recorded, or perhaps plan your journey through them. You may wish to see certain species, perhaps where they have been recorded, or better still where no atlas data exist. If you know of nearby population that has not been atlassed, or of a population which has no herbarium or atlas record, these areas could be chosen for your next hike/outing/picnic.

But you do not have to be a hiker (or rambler, mountaineer, mountain-biker, or four-wheeler) to enjoy atlassing. Roadside atlassing is also very fruitful and allows invaluable data to be collected rapidly. Most African proteas can be seen near roads somewhere (you might have to climb above the Green Chert to get that last elusive species for your "life list"). And since what we really need is lots of data on the common species, roadside atlassing is ideal for the unfit and less able.

So please help, and atlas all those sites you know about. And if you are aware of any sites not shown on these maps, please contact us. Better still, get out there and atlas it.

Swaziland Co-ordinator

The Swaziland Co-ordinator for the Protea Atlas Project is Linda Dobson. She can be contacted at Environmental Consultancy Services at (+268) 44789 or Fax  (+268) 42438 or e-mail

The Protea Atlas Project outings within Swaziland will be incorporated into the Swaziland Tree Atlas outings. The dates are set for the second weekend of each month. The Tree Atlas will be using eighth-degree squares and will run for 3-4 years. Please contact Linda if you would like to participate in these projects.

Seasonal Data

Part of our aim is to obtain seasonal coverage for the areas under consideration. At present we lack sufficient data for all months except November. Our aim is about 100 SRS per month.

Month No SRS
January 29
February 11
March 11
April 14
May 27
June 31
July 13
August 13
September 16
October 43
November 208
December 26

Top priority months are thus February, March, July and August. However, April and September are also very badly atlassed.

Have a look at the Key to the Sugarbushes of Swaziland to help you identify proteas in Swaziland.

Distribution Maps

Faurea galpinii - Forest Beechwood
Faurea macnaughtonii
- Terblanz Beechwood
Faurea rochetiana
- Broadleaf Beechwood
Faurea saligna
- Transvaal Beechwood

Hakea salicifolia -  Willow-leaf  Needlebush

Grevillia robusta -  Silky Oak

Leucospermum gerrardii - Dwarf Pincushion

Sugarbush Introduction
Protea caffra - Transvaal Sugarbush
Protea parvula - Dainty Sugarbush
Protea simplex - Dwarf Grassveld Sugarbush

Protea comptonii - Saddleback Sugarbush

Protea roupelliae roupelliae - Silver Sugarbush

Protea gaguedi - African Sugarbush
Protea welwitschii - Dwarf Savanna Sugarbush

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